Grant Applications Are Now Open for Environmental Site Assessments in Muskegon County

Business News |Nov 7, 2022|2 min read

$500,000 in Funding to Individual Property Owners for Brownfield Assessments

Muskegon, MI – Greater Muskegon Economic Development (GMED) is now accepting applications for grants for environmental site assessments of brownfield sites in Muskegon County. This opportunity is the result of a $500,000 grant to GMED by the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to support environmental site assessments in Muskegon County, announced in the summer of 2022. Funds for this grant are distributed by GMED for the purpose of environmental assessments on sites that are suspected of having contaminants throughout Muskegon County. The majority of funds are allocated for the City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Heights, as the urban core communities; however, a percentage of the funds will be available for other sites in Muskego County.

GMED has developed an application and scoring process for selecting sites and has hired Envirologic as the sole environmental consultant to conduct the work on each property. The goal of the grant is to facilitate environmental site assessments, which will in turn spur additional development for industrial, commercial, residential, and mixed-use projects.

All eligible properties must be environmentally contaminated or suspected of being contaminated. The selected projects will remediate and redevelop sites, along with supporting talent attraction and retention, and business growth in Muskegon County. Projects in marginalized communities, lower income, economically and socially underserved areas will be prioritized.

Activities supported by this grant may include: Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA, remedial action plan, work plans and other technical supports, baseline environmental assessment (BEA), due care plans, or a cleanup plan.

For more information, visit the GMED website to view the policies and procedures and to download the application. If you have any questions, please contact Morgan Carroll, Economic Development Director for Greater Muskegon Economic Development at [email protected].

About Greater Muskegon Economic Development

Greater Muskegon Economic Development (GMED) was founded in 1999 as the primary contact for economic growth in Muskegon County. GMED’s focus is to leverage public and private investment to accelerate business growth, improve our community’s quality of place, advance job growth, and attract and retain talent in Muskegon County. Through utilization of our in-house and partner resources, GMED is uniquely positioned to help local businesses meet their economic objectives. To learn more, visit


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